
Women’s Strength

This class incorporates strength and cardio moves for groups of up to 10 people maximum.  Participants will use a variety of equipment including body weight, dumbbells, weighted bars, TRX, sandbags, medicine balls, battle ropes, resistance bands, agility ladders, gliders, kettlebells, BOSU, and stability balls. 

Class registration is required for all pricing levels and based on availabilityContact syrenityhw@gmail.com



  • First class is free 

  • Single class: $25/class 

  • Monthly pricing pre-paid: $20/class* 

  • Customer Loyalty Reward! Starting with your third consecutive month: $15/class* 

(*Total monthly price will be calculated based on the number of classes offered that month)  


Classes are offered most Monday and Thursday evenings, 4:30- 5:15 PM Contact Deb to register: syrenityhw@gmail.com